

このページは eigo13 の電子ブックに掲載されている76ページの概要です。


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This is what I realized later, the diamond-shaped mark of the studentgroup for national devotion sewed on my clothes saved me. Having seen it,the policeman did his best for me in such a big disaster. Thinking back, mythanks are beyond words.From around here, my description is based on much fainter memories. Ihave some gaps in my memory. I don’t know the reason, but I think I was onthe border of being dead and alive.Suddenly, I was brought back to my senses to some extent by havingreceived a shock. I felt something heavy on my burnt left leg. I wanted tocheck what it was and I tried to sit up. But I couldn’t. I turned myselfsideways to understand the conditions around me. I saw an injured mangroaning beside me. I thought that we might be on the truck which carriedinjured people.I tried to speak to him. But my voice was too husky to be heard. Andthe sound of the engine and the tossing of the truck made it impossible.I moved my legs a little to make myself more comfortable. After that,the man beside me was aware of my movement and said something to me. Icouldn’t understand well what he said. Now I think it must have been hiswords of apology to me. It was deeply impressive, and I remember that.Soon our truck seemed to have reached a temple. On the truck, therewas no room with too many injured people. When we were carried from thetruck to a stretcher, everyone said “Ouch, It hurts!” I did so too, whenanything touched my wounds.It seemed like we were carried to the main building of a temple. Therehad already been many injured people taken there. It was filled with theirroaring voices. It was like hell.When I was carried to the middle of the temple, I felt like having comehome with relief. It was an illusion, of course.I laid myself with my right side down as it was less damaged.After a while a doctor came to see us. At my turn, the doctor said “Ican’t find a place to put the stethoscope on. The burns are in such a badcondition, but we don’t have any medicine for it now. We have preparedsubstitutions with grated vegetables. Wait for them.” And he moved to thenext patient.I was asked by a woman who may have been a member of the Women’sGroup for National Defense or may have just been a local volunteer “How