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went around and saw patients at their home visited me. As soon as he sawme, he said, “It’s terrible. This girl surely cannot survive, because her burnsare too severe. I don’t have enough medicine, so I want to use it for otherpeople who are more likely to survive. It’s a waste of medicine to use it forthis dying girl.” He left me without doing anything. My mother ran after himand said, “She is alive now. Please help her.” However, the doctor said, “Morethan two-thirds of her body is burned, so she cannot survive. Give up!” Onanother day, two doctors came to see me, but they didn’t treat me withmedicine either, saying that it was waste of medicine. My mother was at aloss after every doctor whom she asked to help me gave up. My sister wholeft our house with me on that day never came home. My father looked forher, visiting every hospital even though he was very busy working, but hecouldn’t find her. My mother tried to help me at all costs and I came homeeven though I had got burned badly. As the city of Hiroshima was burneddown, she could not even get medicine with cash. She went to very distantplaces to get oil that could be used as medicine. She exchanged her treasuredkimono, Japanese traditional beautiful clothes for oil. Nevertheless, shecouldn’t get enough oil. She spread oil only on my face, because it is the mostimportant part for a girl. She collected information about what was effectivefor burns. Getting some information from her neighbors, she ground potatoesinto paste and spread it onto my back and arms with gauze. It was very hardfor me to change the stiff old gauze with new gauze. I couldn’t bear to peel offthe old gauze which stuck to my burned flesh. It hurt like hell. My motherput hot steamy towels onto the old gauze in order to soften it. She tried usingground cucumber, but it was too juicy. Next, she tried using ground Japanesewhite radish, but it made my burned back sting. Again, she started usingground potatoes.One member of the rescue teams from an army hospital in Hofu cityin Yamaguchi prefecture was my uncle’s acquaintance. When he came toHiroshima city, he visited me. He was a medical corpsman. He saw my burns,cleared the parts which had festered and poured liquid disinfectant onto myback. It hurt so much that I nearly fainted. He told us how to treat burns andgave us oil medicine from the army hospital. Thanks to him, the condition ofmy burns got much better. Soon I came to be able to sit on the floor. Then, Icould change the gauze by myself, mostly because it hurt less. I noticed thatthe color of my hands was different to normal hands. I was a girl, so I got