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Preface"Testimony of the lamentation" written by mobilized studentsfor production labor and their families (勤労動員学徒「慟哭の証言」によせて)    (00)Ikuo Hirayama(平山郁夫)                    Hiroshima City received an atomic bomb attack on August 6 in 1945,and was instantly, perfectly destroyed. And it caused so many victims.Thereafter, 62 years have passed, but there are people who still sufferfrom radioactivity symptom harm.These days, A-bomb victims are becoming older, and being bombedexperients are gradually decreasing.In those days, I was in the 3rd grade at Shudo junior high school (15years old), and bombed during the student mobilizing in the Hiroshimaarmy weapon supply depot. Many Shudo junior high students died, too.I lost my close friends, and still have the dream of a baby-faced frienddemanding to help.On the evening of August 6, I evacuated from Hiroshima City which wasburnt down towards my native island, Setoda-cho. Climbing over thehouse collapsed in a bomb blast, I went to the east through the ruin beingburnt down and smoking. In this way, I arrived at Sanyo Main Line atmidnight. I walked along the railroad, on the shoulder of the trackage,some persons were hurt and fell down and others were dead and lyingendlessly. I was in the middle of escaping and heard voices to appeal forhelp, but was not able to do anything. I felt myself pulled by the hair frombehind, but I left Hiroshima. I had such an experience that I suffered fromradioactivity symptom harm for a long time, it might be because I took aradioactivity dust. I have done an experience such as miserable Hell that Idid not think of it to be with the thing of the world.I think that there must not be such a miserable war again, and I havebeen painting pictures with prayer of the peace. Particularly, it is hard towrite down the sacrifice of the mobilization labor students in those days.It is pitiful that the death of the mobilization students who worked for thebuilding evacuation in the hypocenter. A large number of death that hadhope and became junior high students, are still continuing cries of thelamentation.It is important to do a voice loudly to abolish nuclear weapons makingthe human lead to extinction. In order to do so, we must hand down theterrible sights in Hiroshima City. If we do not do so, it will weatherbefore long.People who were thoughtful junior high students at that time are goingto hand a lot down "the testimony of the lamentation" of the workstudents.This action is the requiem of many late mobilization students and is tolead to a proposal to peace. I cannot help praying for more and more